Same design as to what my house will look like

Site preparation, retaining wall, slab , frame and roof

Credit to Metricon, they have been quick in getting the retaining wall, slab and frame up quickly. It's to their advantage as if they sit on it they won't get paid.

Land is all clear and pegged

Site is cut

Retaining wall is finished

Slab is down

Most of the frame is up

Roof is on, wrapping is completed

Bricks delivered 29th of March 010

Bricks work @ 31/3/10

Bricks as at 14/04/2010 (two days behind schedule but mostly done)

Update 19th of April 2010
Render undercoat put on - not much happening at the moment.


  1. Nice work - we started about same time as you in redeveloping our land, slab was down start of feb and hoping for lockup to be done by end of april. What stage are you at right now?


  2. The house bricks were delivered 29th of March 10, will take around 10 working days to complete. If there are no delays due to weather.

  3. Hi,

    We are looking to build and considering a modified Jasper 37 also. Would you recommend Metricon and how flexible were they with allowing modifications of the plans?


  4. Hello, I would not recommend Metricon. We find then to be a pain to deal with.

    They were flexible in the design but it cost $$$$.

    Metricon Infringement of Copyright Law see



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